Perbrinckia scansor (Ng, 1995) is the only known tree-climbing freshwater crab among the 52 freshwater crab species of Sri Lanka. According to published literature, this endemic species was recorded in eleven localities (elevation range 150–960m a.s.l) in the Kalu, Walawe and Gin River basins and assessed as “Least Concern”, but again this species was categorised as Endangered. This species is a habitat specialist with adults living in rainwater-filled phytotelms from about ground level up to 1 m above ground. We recorded the distribution of P. scansor from 47 localities through opportunistic observations within the period 2005–2010.
Submitted date: 12 May 2014 Accepted date: 30 November 2014 Published date: 19 January 2015 Pp. 29–37, Pl. 15–17.
Prescillia Rindang Putri, Richard S. Moore, Noviar Andayani, Karmele L. Sanchez *Corresponding author. E-mail:
Abstract We conducted a behavioural study on rescued captive N. javanicus housed at International Animal Rescue Centre, West Java, focussing on the frequency of social interactions in relation to varying amounts of enrichment provided. Three different sized cages were chosen comprising a total of ten slow lorises in groups of five, three and two individuals respectively. After providing extra enrichment, we observed a general increase in all social behaviours in both cages, except for proximity and attack. A significant increase in positive social interactions (clasp interaction) was observed when all data combine after environmental enrichment was given. We made sociograms to visualize the significant results of before and after enrichments. The clasp sociogram before enrichments phase revealed that the only male in both cages acted as the initiator of clasp behaviour to other female actors in the cage. This short study reveals positive signs in increasing certain desired behaviours and the role of individuals within the cage during enrichment.
Abstract Nilgiri wood-pigeon (Columba elphinstonii) was surveyed in two forest types (open and closed) for spatial distribution and habitat correlates using belt transects across 94 localities in Sahyadri Tiger Reserve, India, during 2011–2013. Only closed forested localities showed presence of the species with maximum number of individuals sighted in evergreen forests. Poisson multiple regression analysis was conducted on species abundance data from 18 sites and seven variables. The species was found to be associated with high canopy cover and evergreen forests. Suitable habitat of the species was predicted using MaxEnt model. MaxEnt model showed high degree of suitable habitat in west Chandoli National Park and the corridor area of the tiger reserve. This paper provides fine scale distribution data and habitat correlates and discusses potential threats to the species in north Western Ghats and stresses the immediate need for conservation action in this area.
Abstract A study on the preying frequency of common kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) was conducted from September 2008 to September 2011 at Nikunja-1 in Dhaka City Corporation Area of Bangladesh. The objective of the study was to determine the average preying frequency per day across different months using focal animal sampling method. It preyed 8.5 times / day, with the highest frequency of preying at 11:01–12:00 h and 16:01–17:00 h. The average frequency was highest in September and lowest in April and highest in monsoon season and lowest in summer. Food items comprised of arthropods (31.7%) and fish (68.3%). From May through September, they avoided arthropods preferring fish as it was peak breeding season. During this period, they were preoccupied with courtship, nest building and caring of their nestlings.
Key words : breeding season, behaviour, Dhaka City, feeding activities, monsoon, summer
Submitted date: 4 December 2013 Accepted date: 10 October 2014 Published date: 19 January 2015 Pp. 8–13, Pl. 4–8.
Varadharajan Gokula & V. Muthukrishnan *Corresponding author. E-mail:
Abstract The Indian peafowl (Pavo cristatus), the largest of the pheasants in India, inhabits mostly semi-arid conditions. We examined the courtship displays of free-ranging peacocks in relation to the orientation and the relative positions of females being courted from August 2012 to January 2013 in Viralimalai, Tamil Nadu, India, to address these questions: (1) Do the peacocks orient their courtship display towards the sun? (2) Is there any relationship between the presence of peahen and the duration of display of peacock? (3) Is there any site-preference to display? We found that the majority of the displays were oriented towards the sun initially, but then oriented towards peahen (regardless of direction) soon after their arrival. Although peacock displayed even in the absence of peahen, presence of peahen influenced the display duration of peacock. Displays were performed largely in open areas.
Key words : courtship, orientation, peahen, pheasants, semi-arid habitats, South India