Submitted date: 01 April 2011 Accepted date: 13 June 2011 Published date: 30 July 2011 Pp. 11–14.
ON A RARE, SOUTH INDIAN BURROWING SNAKE Platyplectrurus trilineatus (BEDDOME, 1867)
S.R. Ganesh* *E-mail:
Abstract Examination of five juvenile preserved specimens of Platyplectrurus trilineatus, an endemic, poorly-known Uropeltid snake species from the Western Ghats Mountains of Southwestern India provided further insights into its taxonomy. The sample examined here agreed well with the existing descriptions in literature in colouration and most aspects of scalation but had larger range of ventral scale count and smaller supraocular relative to prefrontal. Character definition (in the case of ventrals) and ontogenic variation (in the case of supraocular size) might have possibly created these discrepancies. These differences indicate that a better sampling of both specimens and characters would throw more light on this species.
Key words : morphology, characterization, lepidosis, habitus, colouration
Abstract We report abnormal individuals of Ramanella variegata, Lycodon aulicus (sensu lato), Bungarus caeruleus which exhibited variation from the ‘typical morphs’ of their respective species. Also we report a rarely recorded species Polypedates cf. leucomystax (from south India), from the Mannampandal area of Tamil Nadu. These observations based on voucher photographs are presented for the first time.
Key words : Morph, aberration, variation, phenotypic plasticity, polymorphism
EDITORIAL : A splitter’s systematics of writing: scientific writing and writing English are separate issues and this has implications
Yehudah L. Werner Section Editor: Taprobanica, the journal of Asian Biodiversity
Publishing is an essential component of scientific activity and an increasing number of well-known forces, but including also editors, press us to publish much. Recently, refinement of some of these forces coerces at least some of us to publish not merely in peer-reviewed journals but in those that are hardest to penetrate. My personal opinion that this is to the detriment of science does not help. Publishing well is difficult. Here I try to analyze part of the difficulty and to conclude partial remedies.
Submitted date: 05 March 2020 Accepted date: 31 October 2020 Published date: 28 November 2020 Pp. 244–247.
The tallest canopy and the highest carbon stock for a forest stand in Sri Lanka
S.P. Ekanayake* & R.H.S.S. Fernando *Corresponding author. E-mail:
The height of the canopy of a forest has been noted as an important structural parameter in characterizing particular forest types in Sri Lanka. However, only limited studies have been carried out on the carbon stocks of different natural forest types, which is also an important structural parameter of forests. As per the scientific literature mentioned above, the tallest canopy forests are wet zone lowland rain forests in the south western part of the country. The forests are dominated by trees of the family Dipterocarpaceae and reach a maximum canopy height of 45 m. A preliminary botanical survey conducted in the hitherto unexplored Udakeeruwa forest in the eastern intermediate zone climatic zone, in Badulla district, revealed an unusually tall canopy of a natural forest patch dominated by dipterocarp trees.
The Dubai Desert Conservation Reserve (DDCR) is a 225 km2 natural reserve in the Emirate of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. It was established in 2002 and comprises some 5% of the Emirate of Dubai's total landmass (DDCR 2020). It is home to many species of fauna and flora, including introduced Arabian mountain gazelles (Gazella gazella).