Submitted date: 25 June 2020 Accepted date: 31 October 2020 Published date: 28 November 2020 Pp. 220–221, Pl. 60.
Limnonectes macrodon (Duméril & Bibron, 1841) from Bali, Indonesia
Petr Sramek & Ruchira Somaweera* *Corresponding author. E-mail:
The Giant Javan Frog, Limnonectes macrodon (Duméril & Bibron, 1841), is a large dicroglossid with adult males reaching up to 15 cm SVL. This species was previously thought to be widespread in Southeast Asia, but taxonomic studies have spilt the taxon into multiple species, with L. macrodon now considered to be restricted to Java and to Lampung province in South Sumatra. Accordingly, numerous records from elsewhere are now considered either to belong to other taxa or need further verification. For example, those records from the Malay Peninsula and from the mainland of Southeast Asia are now referrable to L. blythii, whereas those from Borneo are referrable to L. ingeri. The record from Sikkim in northeastern India is almost certainly in error, whereas another record for Manipur in northeastern India is yet to be verified. Similarly, those from New Guinea also need further investigation and a record from the Andaman Islands in India likely belongs to an as yet undescribed species.
Submitted date: 25 June 2020 Accepted date: 05 October 2020 Published date: 28 November 2020 Pp. 217–219, Pls. 58–59.
Range extension of a globally endangered Martenstyn’s barb, Systomus martenstyni
O.W. Kotagama, S. de A. Goonatilake*, W.P.N. Perera & D.K. Weerakoon *Corresponding author. E-mail:
Sri Lanka is endowed with a rich network of rivers that dissects the island into 103 river basins. Mahaweli River, 332 km long, is the largest of these basins, covering 10,327 km2, approximately one-sixth of the island’s land area. Mahaweli River passes through three bioclimatic zones and therefore comprises a cross-section of almost all the natural ecosystems present in Sri Lanka other than tropical rainforest. Further, the river basin is inhabited by a diverse species assemblage including a number of endemic plants, fish, frogs, reptiles and mammals that are restricted to this river basin. Martenstyn’s Barb Systomus martenstyni (Sinhala name: Dumbara Pethia) is one such endemic freshwater fish species restricted to the Mahaweli Basin.
Abstract Human–elephant conflict (HEC) is a major problem to Tissmaharama Divisional Secretariat (TDS) in Hambantota District, Sri Lanka. The current study was designed to identify and describe the patterns of HEC in TDS so that methods could be developed to minimise human and elephant deaths due to HEC. The data were collected through questionnaire surveys and internal data of the Department of Wildlife Conservation and the Meteorological Department of Sri Lanka. The results suggest that elephants feed on all cereals, fruits and vegetables available except citrus, pomegranate, sesame and bitter gourd. The majority of conflicts were caused by elephant groups of less than four individuals (94.3%). Elephant raids occurred mainly during the night and especially escalate towards January and September. There were no correlations between rainfall and crop damage. Both human and elephant males were more likely to die from HEC than human and elephant females.
Key words : crop and property damage, human–elephant deaths, rain fall, wildlife management
Abstract The poorly-known, insular endemic frog species, Minervarya nicobariensis (Stoliczka, 1870) is re-described based on new material from the Nicobar Archipelago. A neotype is designated as its holotype had been lost. Novel data on biology, ecology, distribution and natural history of this poorly known species are provided. Breeding biology and larval morphology are described in detail. Potential threats to the species are discussed and an assessment of its conservation status is attempted.
Key words : Distribution, endemic, India, larval morphology, natural history, Nicobar Archipelago.
Abstract The taxonomic status of the large-sized Fejervarya frogs of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands was assessed based on integrative analysis of molecular, morphological and acoustic data. Our results identify the population from the Andaman Islands as Fejervarya moodiei, and that from the Nicobar Islands as F. limnocharis. Representative specimens collected during this study are described along with observations on their natural history. The distribution of F. moodiei within the Andaman Islands and F. limnocharis in the Nicobar Islands recorded during this study are mapped, suggesting that these species are fairly widespread.
Key words :Fejervarya cancrivora, Fejervarya moodiei, Fejervarya limnocharis, India, mangrove.