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Volume 3 | Number 1 | May 2011

ISSN: 1800-427X (print)
eISSN: 1800-427X (online)

Published date: 30 July 2011
Pp. 1–4

EDITORIAL : A splitter’s systematics of writing: scientific writing and writing English are separate issues and this has implications

Yehudah L. Werner
Section Editor: Taprobanica, the journal of Asian Biodiversity

Publishing is an essential component of scientific activity and an increasing number of well-known forces, but including also editors, press us to publish much. Recently, refinement of some of these forces coerces at least some of us to publish not merely in peer-reviewed journals but in those that are hardest to penetrate. My personal opinion that this is to the detriment of science does not help. Publishing well is difficult. Here I try to analyze part of the difficulty and to conclude partial remedies.
Hubungi Kami
The ultimate aim of the journal is to provide an effective medium for communication of the latest and best scientific information.
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